Toilet Stools for Indian Toilets: Improve Your Posture

In today’s modern times, people have ever evolved lifestyles and the adoption of western practices including toilets is prevalent. While adopting to certain changes, most people are ignorant on the health impact or benefits. While a bathroom routine may seem simple and a daily process, it has an impact on the digestive health. As an individual, you may experience discomfort during bowel evacuation and that may have got you worried or wondering that why is this difficulty arising. Most people, even though they experience discomfort during this routine activity, tend to ignore thinking it is a one-off case. 

The Role of Posture in Bowel Movements

Posture plays a very important role and has an impact on the digestive health, in addition to a balanced diet, hydration and physical exercise. While using the western toilet, since we are in a regular sitting position, the rectum is slightly twisted and hence one needs to exert pressure at times to eliminate the waste. This often leads to discomfort, incomplete bowel movement and cleansing of stomach and more seriously can cause conditions like hemorrhoids. Hence, posture becomes a crucial factor for comfortable bowel evacuation as its part of your daily routine. 

Transitioning from Indian to Western Toilets

While Indian toilets were designed to adopt the right posture for bowel discharge, but the comfort of western toilets made them a popular choice to make a switch. Due to the sitting posture, most people made a choice to transition to western toilet format, as they would find it difficult to squat with age and knee-related issues. Though western toilets have provided relief from knee pain, they have in-turn made digestive health complicated. Natural squatting is a correct posture for bowel elimination. To address the posture limitation of western toilets and promote the right posture for bowel evacuation efficiency, squat stool as a product by Sandook.  

Sandook Yogisquat

What is Sandook Yogisquat?

Sandook Yogisquat is a stool that allows a person to sit in a squatting position on a western toilet at the right angle for easy and quick evacuation. Sandook Yogisquat mimics a natural squatting position, promoting faster, complete bowel movements. Experience effortless bowel movements with Sandook Yogisquat. 

Key Benefits of Sandook Yogisquat:

  • It facilitates bowel movement by promoting the natural squat posture essential for straitening the rectum for smoother movement.
  • It prevents you from rectal injuries and issues like hemorrhoids or constipation as it reduces the strain to pass stool 
  • It creates 35-degree angle, promoting smoother bowel movement which in turn helps in improving overall digestive health. 
  • It is curated to use with western toilets and hence convenient to use. 

How to Use Sandook Yogisquat?

  • Place the Yogisquat in front of your toilet seat firmly. 
  • Sit on the toilet seat and place your feet on the stool, this will put your body into a natural squat posture.
  • Next, relax and do not exert pressure to pass bowel.


Sandook Yogisquat is a win-win situation for you as it is a small yet significant change that will help you enhance your bathroom experience while using a western toilet. Support your digestive health and adopt the right posture with Sandook Yogisquat. Do not regret over a wrong posture, make the right choice for an enhanced bathroom experience and better digestive health.

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