Which is the best ayurvedic hair fall oil?

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. While various factors can contribute to hair fall, using the right hair care products can significantly help in controlling it. Ayurvedic treatments have been revered for centuries for their natural healing properties. Among these, Ayurvedic hair fall oils are particularly popular for their effectiveness in reducing hair loss and promoting hair health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best Ayurvedic hair fall oil, and how it can transform your hair care routine.

Understanding Hair Fall and Its Causes

Genetics: Genetic predisposition is one of the most common causes of hair loss, typically seen in patterns such as male or female pattern baldness. This type of hair loss, known as androgenetic alopecia, is influenced by genes inherited from one's parents and involves sensitivity to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). In men, this often results in receding hairlines and bald spots, while in women, it typically manifests as overall thinning.

Hormonal Imbalances: Hormones play a significant role in regulating hair growth and health. Imbalances, such as those caused by thyroid problems, pregnancy, menopause, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can lead to hair loss. For instance, an underactive or overactive thyroid gland can cause the hair to become thin, brittle, and fall out.

Nutritional Deficiencies: Hair follicles require a variety of nutrients to maintain optimal health and growth. Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and proteins can lead to hair loss. A balanced diet rich in these nutrients is crucial for maintaining hair health.

Stress: Physical and emotional stress can trigger a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium. This condition causes hair roots to be pushed prematurely into the resting phase of the hair growth cycle, leading to increased hair shedding. Chronic stress can also affect the immune system, potentially leading to autoimmune conditions that target hair follicles.

Environmental Pollutants: Exposure to pollutants, harsh chemicals, and hard water can weaken hair structure and scalp health, leading to hair loss. Pollutants such as smoke, heavy metals, and industrial chemicals can disrupt the hair growth cycle and damage the hair follicles.

Ayurvedic Approach to Hair Loss:

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, approaches hair loss by aiming to balance the three fundamental bodily energies or doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. According to Ayurveda, imbalances in these doshas can lead to various health issues, including hair fall. Here’s how each dosha influences hair health:

Vata: Excess Vata can cause dryness of the scalp and hair, leading to brittle hair and split ends. Ayurvedic treatments for balancing Vata involve nourishing and moisturizing therapies, using oils like Banyan root oil, coconut and almond, and herbs such as ashwagandha and bhringraj.

Pitta: An excess of Pitta can lead to inflammation and excessive heat in the body, manifesting as premature greying and thinning of hair. Cooling oils such as coconut oil and herbs like Kapoor (Camphor), amla and neem are used to soothe the scalp and promote hair health.

Kapha: Excessive Kapha can lead to an oily scalp and heavy, thick hair that is prone to falling out. Treatments focus on stimulating and cleansing the scalp using lighter oils and herbs like rosemary and peppermint.

Ayurvedic hair care also includes lifestyle recommendations, such as following a balanced diet, practicing yoga and meditation to reduce stress, and using natural hair care products that are free from harsh chemicals. This holistic approach not only focuses on treating hair loss but also on promoting overall well-being.

Why Choose Ayurvedic Oil for Hair Fall?

Ayurvedic oil for hair fall incorporates a blend of natural herbs and oils, known for their medicinal properties that not only reduce hair fall but also encourage healthy hair growth. These oils penetrate deep into the scalp, nourishing the roots, improving blood circulation, and strengthening the hair follicles. This traditional approach to hair care ensures a reduction in hair fall and a sustainable method of maintaining hair health.

Common Ingredients found in Ayurvedic Hair Oil:

Ayurvedic hair oils are celebrated for their natural ingredients and holistic benefits. These oils are infused with a variety of herbs and natural substances that have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic practices to enhance hair health and prevent hair issues like hair fall, dandruff, and premature greying. Here, we explore some common ingredients found in these oils:

Banyan Root

Banyan root, derived from the Banyan tree, is known for its potent properties in hair regeneration. It is particularly valued in Ayurveda for its ability to strengthen hair roots and promote hair growth. The extracts from banyan roots help in treating scalp infections and maintaining a healthy scalp, thereby reducing hair fall and encouraging the growth of healthier, thicker hair.

Til (Sesame Oil)

Til or Sesame oil is a base oil in many Ayurvedic hair oils, renowned for its deep nourishing properties. It is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that nourish the scalp and hair follicles. Sesame oil's penetrating properties make it ideal for revitalizing and moisturizing the hair, leading to enhanced hair strength and luster. It also helps in darkening the hair, which can reduce the appearance of premature greying.

Kapoor (Camphor)

Kapoor or Camphor is another traditional ingredient that stimulates hair growth by boosting the blood flow to the affected area. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing scalp itchiness and dandruff. Camphor is also known for its cooling effect, making it beneficial in soothing irritated or inflamed scalps.

Japapushpa (Hibiscus)

Japapushpa, or Hibiscus, is extensively used in hair oils for its rich vitamin C content, which boosts collagen production, enhancing hair growth. Hibiscus flowers and leaves are both used to prepare oils that prevent hair loss, treat scalp disorders, prevent premature greying, and leave hair looking glossy and healthy.

Sunthi (Ginger)

Sunthi or Ginger is commonly used in Ayurvedic hair oils for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in improving blood circulation to the scalp, which is crucial for stimulating hair growth. Ginger also has natural antiseptic properties that help in controlling dandruff and other scalp issues.

Bhibhitak (Beleric)

Bhibhitak, or Beleric, is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that forms part of the famous Triphala combination. It is known for its rejuvenating properties and is particularly effective in treating scalp infections and promoting hair health. Bhibhitak helps in strengthening the hair from the roots, reducing hair fall, and enhancing hair volume.

Jatamansi (Spikenard)

Jatamansi is a rare herb that promotes hair growth and helps in maintaining the natural color of the hair. It is known to improve the texture of the hair, making it smooth and silky. Jatamansi is also effective in calming the mind and reducing stress, which can be a significant factor in hair loss.

The Benefits of Ayurvedic Oil for Hair Fall Control

Using Ayurvedic oil for hair fall control comes with numerous benefits:


Banyan Root extract: Banyan root extracts are known for their potent properties that strengthen hair follicles, thereby reducing hair fall and increasing hair density.

Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba): Often referred to as the "king of herbs" in Ayurveda for hair treatment, Bhringraj oil is renowned for its rejuvenating properties. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants which enhance blood circulation to the scalp and help in hair growth. Bhringraj oil is particularly known for revitalizing the hair follicles and promoting hair growth in balding patches.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is a powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamin C. This nutrient-rich fruit helps in strengthening hair follicles and stimulates hair growth due to its scalp-enhancing properties. It also helps in preventing premature greying of hair.

Neem: With its antifungal and antibacterial properties, Neem is excellent for treating dandruff and keeping the scalp healthy. It also soothes irritated scalp conditions, thus reducing scalp itchiness and enhancing the scalp's ability to support healthy hair growth.

Scalp Health:

Banyan Root Oil: This oil maintains a healthy scalp by preventing dandruff and nurturing the scalp environment. It helps in keeping the scalp free from fungal and bacterial infections, thereby preventing common scalp issues that contribute to hair fall.

Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, tea tree oil effectively fights against scalp infections caused by bacteria and fungi. It helps in unclogging hair follicles and nourishing the roots.

Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a natural conditioner rich in fatty acids that penetrate the hair shaft and reduce protein loss from hair. It also moisturizes the scalp and acts as a barrier against environmental pollutants, thus maintaining scalp health.

Stress Reduction:

The process of massaging Ayurvedic oils into the scalp can be incredibly soothing and acts as a form of stress relief. Scalp massage improves circulation, which helps reduce stress levels, a common contributor to hair loss. The therapeutic properties of essential oils like lavender and sandalwood can further enhance this calming effect.

Improved Hair Texture:

Regular use of Ayurvedic oils can transform the texture of your hair, making it softer, shinier, and healthier. Oils like Banyan Root Oil, sesame, almond, and jojoba deeply nourish the hair, making it lustrous and smooth. They provide essential nutrients that repair hair damage, reduce split ends, and increase hair elasticity, reducing the likelihood of breakage.

How to Use Ayurvedic Hair Fall Oil

To maximize the benefits of ayurvedic oil for hair fall, follow these steps:

Warm the Oil: Heating the oil slightly before application can improve its absorption into the scalp. Warm oil penetrates the hair shafts and scalp more effectively, increasing the efficacy of the nutrients and herbs in the oil.

Massage: Applying the oil to the scalp and massaging it gently in circular motions helps in stimulating blood circulation to the hair follicles. This not only nourishes the roots but also promotes relaxation and stress reduction, further aiding in hair health.

Leave It On: After massaging, it’s beneficial to leave the oil on the scalp for a significant amount of time—either for at least an hour or overnight. This duration allows the oil to deeply nourish the hair roots and scalp, maximizing the therapeutic effects of the Ayurvedic ingredients.

Wash Off: Finally, washing the oil out with a mild herbal shampoo helps in removing excess oil while retaining the nourishment provided. It’s important to use a gentle shampoo to avoid stripping away the beneficial oils and to maintain the natural balance of the scalp.

Incorporating Ayurvedic Oil into Your Hair Care Routine

For effective results, incorporate the ayurvedic hair fall oil into your routine two to three times a week. Consistency is key in seeing significant reductions in hair fall and improvements in hair health.

The Best Ayurvedic Oils for Hair Fall Available in the Market

Several ayurvedic hair fall oils are renowned for their effectiveness. Look for oils that blend multiple beneficial herbs and are free from harmful chemicals. Brands like Sandook Sutra, Kama Ayurveda, Biotique, and Himalaya offer some of the best ayurvedic oil for hair fall, widely recognized for their quality and results.


Choosing the best Ayurvedic hair fall oil can significantly change the way you care for your hair. With their natural ingredients and holistic benefits, these oils not only reduce hair fall but also enhance the overall health and appearance of your hair. Regular use, coupled with a balanced diet and proper hair care regimen, will help you achieve the luscious, healthy hair you desire.

By embracing Ayurvedic oil for hair fall control, you're not just treating hair fall, but also nurturing your hair with the goodness of nature's best ingredients.

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