8 Benefits Of Banyan Extract Oil!

Banyan is a common tree found mostly in India and other temperate Asian countries. It grows up to 15 to 20 meters in height and can shade up to 2000 people when fully grown. For over 300 hundred years, people have used it to improve their health and live happy lives. It contains a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and other effective healthy living ingredients. Everything in the tree is very useful from the leaves to the roots. But we are going to concentrate only on the extracted oil as we look at the many benefits it has.

Here are 8 benefits of banyan extract oil

1. Improves Hair Growth

Banyan extract oil is very reliable in improving hair growth and putting an end to hair fall. Most great hair growth and treatment creams today in the market contain Banyan extract. Apply and massage deep into the scalp every day for best result. 

2. Treatment of Cracked heels

Among many reasons, the basic causes of cracked heels are a basic vitamin deficiency, fungal infection, dry skin and excessive pressure on the feet. If left untreated, cracked heels can lead to cellulitis, itchiness and aggravated viral infections. To cure cracked heels naturally using banyan, apply banyan tree milk over the heel every day until it is totally restored. 

3. Treatment for Back Pain

Back pain is an example of a little fox that spoils the vine. Though not much pronounced, it can affect ones’ daily activities and plans. You will have to be moving about slowly and with a lot of caution. This can affect your relationship with your family whereby you will be lacking in activity and action when you are needed most. Using banyan as a tool for the healing is very good because banyan extract contains anti-oxidants that will help relax the nerves around the joints hence enabling free movement. To this effect, mix about 2 milliliters of banyan, milk extract with a glass of milk and drink it daily.

4. Treatment for Skin Moles

For many, the presence of moles on the skin (moles are those red, purple, black, brown or tan imperfectly raised points on the skin) can be embarrassing. Some go as far as to register for laser healing in other to remove the moles but this has many consequences. Laser treatment has a big limitation in that it cannot kill the root from where the moles grow hence, the moles can erupt again. In order to have the mole disappear naturally without posing any challenge to your health, Ayurveda treatment became accepted as a tradition in India. The extract from banyan tree, when rubbed on the mole over a period of time, will naturally remove the moles restoring smooth mono-colored kin. Rub three times daily until mole disappears.

5. Treatment of Wounds and Swellings

Banyan tree extract can also be used in treating common everyday wounds and swellings. Apply extract on that affected part daily for best result. 

6. Treatment of Teeth and Mouth Infections (Dental Caries)

Some bacteria that live in the mouth release acid that destroys the tooth’s enamel and everything around it. To cure one of this infection, you have to apply some banyan tree extract. Take some in your mouth and with it, rinse your mouth. 

7. Treatment of Dysentery and Diarrhea

Poor hygiene is one of the major causes of dysentery and diarrhea. These two have been known to kill thousands of people especially children over the past few years. Once infected with the diseases, the infectious organism lives in the stomach from where it does much damage to the individual. As a form of natural solution to diarrhea and dysentery, Banyan is known to be able to kill and flush out the infectious organism without doing any harm to the body. Simply drink the banyan tree extract after you have mixed it with honey and some sugar.

8. Treatment of Piles

The latex extracted from the banyan tree can be used to treat piles. To this effect, it should be mixed be milk and taken daily for best results. It is advisable to consume enough vegetables during treatment so ensure to include it in your diet. Conclusively, Banyan extract oil is a very powerful and potent source for natural healing of most common diseases. The good thing about it is that it improves your immunity and speeds up natural healing without damaging your health. Go out today and get banyan oil for a happy, healthy living.
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